$900.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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3 Payments: DivineAF Manifestation Coaching

Divine AF Premium Manifestation Coaching with Lisbeth Overton

What you'll get:

6 weeks of private coaching and mentoring with Lisbeth to identify your predominant block to manifesting your #1 desire along with the energetic blueprint + intention (specific mantra/statement) for you to use to support the manifestation of your desire.
Divine AF Affirmation Deck to support your high vibe energy + to connect with your Divine support team.
Divine AF: Daily Affirmations & Manifestation Journal to support your queen + goddess energy + mood with beautiful visuals and words from the Divine to keep you on track and feel supported on your journey.
6 x one hour long recorded calls with Lisbeth.
Audio/video (whatsapp/Marco Polo) support in between calls if you feel overwhelmed or stuck and of course to share epic ahas, insights, and downloads that can't wait until our calls.
Divine AF Coaching Guidebook to support you in between calls and to record your manifestation journey!


Change To Full Pay:


If you pay in full, you will receive a 2 hour divineAF deep dive with Lisbeth to tap into your Akashic Records for any soul connected wisdom that will support your manifestation journey.

Click Here To Pay In Full Instead

What People Are Saying:

SO FREEING ON SO MANY LEVELS! Prior to working with Lisbeth, I had issues around shame and it was hard for me to forgive not only myself, but others. Loving myself was not easy for me. Lisbeth has taught me the power of self-love and forgiveness. This allowed me to show up in my full potential in life and work. This shift has allowed freedom in so many areas of my life. Working with Lisbeth has allowed me to see myself differently, with much less shame. Loving myself has allowed so much forgiveness into my life!!!!! So freeing on so many levels! Letting go of shame and forgiving others lets us walk away and walk into the person we are meant to be. How much more positive and productive for everyone and for the universe!

-Betsy C, Nurse Practitioner