Hi! I’m Lisbeth

Hope dealer and joy activator extraordinaire here to help you thrive in life and work despite what’s been placed on your path. 

I have spent the last 52 years trying to figure out how to cultivate peace, joy, and well being. Even though I could check all the boxes of success, I felt incomplete and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I realized through deep self study, solitude, and reflection that joy was an inside job and that if I expected my environment and external experiences to make me happy I was in a heap of trouble, especially in today’s world!

This is the human condition. We expect things and experiences outside of ourselves to create certain states of being. The moment we hold this belief is the moment we create our own suffering and cut ourselves off from the wellspring of well being that we are.

As a result of our own amnesia that makes us forget we are indeed whole and perfect, we spend eons trying to manipulate the players and situations that show up on our path and beat ourselves up plenty en route and remain unhappy and unfulfilled.

When I took ownership of my own joy is when everything changed. I knew that no matter what was happening around me and even inside me that I would not only be ok, but I could thrive because that is how we are designed.

Our birthright is to thrive and experience well being at the highest level.

Cervical Dystonia

My Experience

All of my training and beliefs were put to the test 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia. A movement disorder that causes activation of the neck and shoulder muscles creating abnormal postures and movements. It also feels like a charlie horse in your neck that never stops.

There is no cure for this condition and the only FDA approved treatment is Botulinumtoxin injections (Botox, Xeomin, Myobloc, Dysport) and these do not provide relief for everyone that receives them.

On average it takes 7 years for a proper diagnosis due to the lack of awareness of this condition in the medical field. Great strides have been made due to the dedication and work of organizations like the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, but we have far to go in helping those with this condition.

These statistics are unacceptable. I am on a mission to shorten the path to well being for others on this Cervical Dystonia journey.

My professional career as a Registered Nurse for 26 years combined with my additional studies has positioned me perfectly to help those newly diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia thrive, despite their condition or anything else life has thrown on their path.

Over the last 13 years I have completed studies in the following areas and have received these certifications:

  • Emotion Code® Practitioner (2023)
  • Body Code™ Practitioner (2024)
  • Yoga Teacher Training (200 hour) 2010 Core Power
  • Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 2021 Jana Roemer
  • Holistic Health Coach 2013 Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Holistic Stress Management Instructor H.S.M.I May 2013 Paramount Wellness Institute
  • I also hold degrees in:
    Bachelor’s of Science in Education (Sports Fitness Management) 1995
    Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing 1998

Now that I know how to cultivate joy from the inside out, and have more fun along the way despite what’s going on around me or due to a certain diagnosis I have traded yo-yo moods fuelled by fear, anxiety and pain for hope, peace, and ease.

I will help you replace your continued patterns of focusing on what’s not working to what is and what feels good for you. I will also help you understand that life, work, and health can be fun and creative despite what you have experienced in the past.

I would be humbled to hold your hand on this journey back to your calm, grounded, peaceful, and vibrant self.

Book a call with me today to see if my life experience and expertise can support you in cultivating yours.

In deep gratitude,

Book A Free Call

Divine Purpose

My Story

It’s natural to allow external circumstances to dictate your joy, but it’s not the path to a fulfilled life!

Watch the video below!


Need help finding your joy again?

I'd love to help you discover your own path to fulfilment and if you or your loved one struggles with health issues like Cervical Dystonia, let's talk.

Book A Free Call

I see your wholeness

My promise to you

I promise to tailor your experience to you, your life experience and where you are on the journey. I promise to see and witness you in your wholeness and reflect your inner healer and wise teacher back to you in a way that is safe, feels expansive, and without judgment at every step of the journey with a big side of laughter, joy, and shenanigans.

The Lisbeth Overton Way

What I Value Most

Serving you is my highest purpose in life and it is an honor to support your well being with integrity, connection, safety and truckloads of fun along the way.  


Humans can not expand when they don’t feel safe. I value safety above all else. My profession trained me to embody the mantra of do no harm. Safety 1st is paramount to all life and is the foundation for any and all healing to commence. When humans feel safe they are more likely to open up and look at things from a different vantage point. Compassion replaces judgment and all kinds of magic unfolds in this sacred place of safety. Humans thrive when they feel cared for from a place of non judgment.


Humans are wired for connection and as a society we have never been more isolated and disconnected despite our 24-7 access to everything. I value creating spaces for safe and sacred connection to develop deeper connection to our most eternal and divine selves with others who share these desires. There is so much power in the community and connection is a great way to fuel that frequency. Together we are better.  And plus, it literally takes a hive to thrive in this world! All things are better shared. 


Integrity is paramount any time you are involving humans. Period. I only teach what I have deep knowledge and lived experience in and I would never suggest something that I have not practiced or lived myself. Transparency and truth are the foundations of integrity and that is what I lead with in my business. Above all, I serve with integrity in honour of your divine being that I am always connected to. I am always my authentic self and you will feel that from the first moment we speak. 

“Immediately upon entering Lisbeth's Spiritual Spark School Community, I felt safe. It also felt supportive and inspiring. It felt exciting to be somewhere new and fresh. Seeing people’s faces and knowing that everyone wants to be there because they want to be in your energy field and because they also trust you.”

— SHANNON W. Community Member

A divine connection

Meet My Family

Meet my family, our amazing teachers (kids) Wallace and Sydney and hubby DuWayne my favorite people to do life with. We love to goof off. I am grateful for the gift of family. I am grateful for YOU too. You are part of my true soul family and our paths were meant to cross.

Ready to get started?

Join me, work with me, meditate with me. There are no accidents. We are meant to connect. If you feel this too, don't hesitate to get in touch or try one of the services offered below! [email protected]

"Lisbeth has a way of lifting your spirit as a woman that no one else I have ever worked with has. Her energy is vibrant and joyful. In her retreat she uses great verbiage and tools to help one with identifying and owning their unique self, spirit, soul encased in a physical body. I highly recommend her retreat, workshops. I came out recharged and centered in my Spiritual Gifts. Doesn't get any better than that!"

- Jan Boal, Empowering Guide and Certified Cannabis Nurse

1:1 coaching session

My clients often find that when they talk to me, they uncover hidden stumbling blocks that have been keeping them from realising their best life and optimal health. I'd love to help! Book a free call!

Book Your Free Call

I am aligned

What I love

They feed my divine essence and light up my life

  • Source
  • Family & Friends
  • Soul Connections
  • Playful living
  • Nature
  • Fitness addict
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Serving Others 
  • Animals - my cats know it too!
  • House plants for daaaays!
  • Children are magical
  • Crystals!
  • Card Decks 
  • You!

Do you do this too?

Limiting Beliefs

We all stumble, but we get back up and that's divineAF

  • Perfectionism 
  • People Pleasing
  • Fear & Doubt
  • Ignoring my intuition
  • Resisting life
  • Following the ego
  • Skepticism 
  • Negative self talk
  • Not doing what I love
  • Imagining horrible outcomes
  • Letting intellect get in the way
  • Thinking too much
  • Pushing too hard 

I believe in you

I See You

I serve your greatest good in all that I do for you. I know you are:

  • IntelligentAF
  • Adventurous
  • CuriousAF
  • CourageousAF
  • Spiritual with a dash of skepticism
  • You are DivineAF
  • You are dealing with a lot in life and it's overwhelming
  • You know of your divinity but you doubt it at times
  • You want to be conscious creator
  • I want to support you

Get My Free Course

5 Minute Manifestor

A FREE divine abundance course that will show you exactly how I manifested abundance, love and divine healing.
A simple 3-step recipe!
It just works!

For Elaine Walsh, it was truly transformational!