Hello Rockstar!Â
I'm Lisbeth Overton
Registered Nurse and coach on a mission to help women overcome the pain, anxiety and fear of debilitating Cervical Dystonia so they can live with more ease, energy, confidence, mobility, and JOY.

Has Your Cervical Dystonia Got You Stuck In a Rut?
Cervical Dystonia Starter Kit
Download my Free Soothe Your Cervical Dystonia Starter Kit today to assess if your Dystonia could be less painful and easier to navigate. Learn 8 simple tips you can begin today + a tracker to help you implement these simple and life changing habits for 7 days.Â
Download NowIt’s Time to Thrive, Despite The Diagnosis
Be Divinely Supported
You deserve to be supported and surrounded by someone who’s been where you are. No more going it alone or suffering in silence surrounded by people who don’t understand what it’s like to LIVE with Cervical Dystonia.Â
Manifest Perfect Health
Powerful Guided Meditation
Manifest Perfect Health Meditation.
Let’s turn up the dial on your health and well being with a little sacred rest and meditation. You’ll thank me later!

I'm Here For You
Ready to get started?
Join me, work with me, meditate with me. There are no accidents. We are meant to connect. If you feel this too, don't hesitate to get in touch or try one of the services offered below! [email protected]

Book A Free Call
Book AÂ Free Call with me to see how you can live an energized life that is easy, flexible, joyful and without pain today.Â
Drum Roll!
OMG - It's Here!
Here is a sneak peak of my highly anticipated, DivineAF Card Deck! You will absolutely adore the feeling of these high vibe cards!
Grab a copy and channel your true being! You are #DivineAF!

Affirmation Card Deck
DivineAF Card Deck
A Card Deck That Aligns You With Your Divine Being
My highly anticipated DivineAF card deck is finally here!!
44 Cards Of Pure Divinity
When you increase your frequency with these high vibe cards you instantly shift your frequency and can more easily connect to your spiritual nature. It is from this anchor that all inspired ideas flow and allows you to manifest your desires without forcing or chasing.
In divine love,
Get Your #DivineAF Card Deck Here!
Get The Details!Feel Your Divinity
The DivineAF Card Deck
Paula Sofia Tried The DivineAF Card Deck
This Is What She Felt!
Hello! As a friend and soul sister of Lisbeth Overton’s, I am very excited to tell you about the launch of her latest creation! 🙌
I was delighted to be among the first few lucky people to get a preliminary peek at her beautiful new deck of cards and, let me tell you, these are divine as...well you’ll soon get to see for yourselves!
I asked Lisbeth if I could pull a card (now) and when she graciously handed them to me I felt more like selecting three.
Here we go!
The first was “Discernment”
This card was more than apropos to me as I was already engaging in thoughts about how I might learn to be more discerning overall. With gentle guidance from the words on the card, along with some additional support from Lisbeth’s interpretation, I felt an invitation to go deeper.
My 2nd pick was “Blossom” and the 3rd card was “Surrender”.
Each one held a profoundly personal and enigmatic message (just for me, I thought)… and those gorgeous, colorful images seemed to dance, stretch and leap from the cards, further evoking my senses to reveal more messages from the realms of the Supraconscious and Spirit.
Be sure to watch for the unveiling of Lisbeth’s divinely inspired cards. While you're treating yourself, pick up a few extra decks to bless family and friends.
Well done dearest Lisbeth and thank you so much for sharing more of your divine guidance, wisdom and radiance for us!
Peace and Namaste
- Paula Sofia, Starshifter
(aka Paula Graham), MN
The Lisbeth Overton Way
What I Value Most
Serving you is my highest purpose in life and it is an honor to support your souls expansion with integrity, connection and safety.

Humans cannot expand when they don’t feel safe. I value safety above all else. My profession trained me to embody the mantra of do no harm. Safety 1st is paramount to all life and is the foundation for any and all healing to commence. When humans feel safe they are more likely to open up and look at things from a different vantage point. Compassion replaces judgment and all kinds of magic unfolds in this sacred place of safety. Humans thrive when they feel cared for from a place of non judgment.

Humans are wired for connection and as a society we have never been more isolated and disconnected despite our 24-7 access to everything. I value creating spaces for safe and sacred connection to develop deeper connection to our most eternal and divine selves with others who share these desires. There is so much power in the community and connection is a great way to fuel that frequency. Together we are better. And plus, it literally takes a hive to thrive in this world! All things are better shared.

Integrity is paramount any time you are involving humans. Period. I only teach what I have deep knowledge and lived experience in and I would never suggest something that I have not practiced or lived myself. Transparency and truth are the foundations of integrity and that is what I lead with in my business. Above all, I serve with integrity in honour of your divine being that I am always connected to. I am always my authentic self and you will feel that from the first moment we speak.
Divine Insights To Help You Realign
Read My Blog
Writing is one of my loves. From personal stories to divinely guided insights, you will find your consciousness shifting and your spirits lifting! Comment with your own insights! I love hearing from you.
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5 Minute Manifestor
Join my mailing list to get access to my free course "5 Minute Manifestor" - a divine abundance course that will show you exactly how I manifested abundance, love and divine healing.
A simple 3-step recipe!
It just works!