Are You Aware Of The Two Kinds Of Thoughts?
Dec 04, 2021
Those you think and
Those you receive.
Ahhhhhhh this feels like divine insight to me.
I heard this from Esther Hicks, one of my favorite Law of Attraction teachers.
How does this idea land for you?
Your thoughts are either being thought or received!!!!
I believe that the thoughts that you think are coming from your analytical “thinking” mind and are often driven by the Ego. These are not pure in my opinion. It’s more like they are manufactured by your Egocentric self. And they do not have your or the collective good in mind.
I believe that the thoughts that you receive are delivered from supreme Source or whatever word you prefer: God, Universe, Higher Self, Source. These thoughts are sublime and are always aligned with and attuned to your inner being/higher self. The antithesis of your Ego.
Hearing this had a deep resonance in my BEing.
Even though I have heard this concept before, this time it actually landed in the seat of my soul.
And it is something that I have experienced a zillion times.
If I am trying with all my might to force or manipulate an answer or outcome, it NEVER shows up. However, when I happen to enjoy my daily adventures and allow things to follow the path of least resistance, I frequently “receive” thoughts, which in my world is another way of saying a “divine download”.
This literally happened to me yesterday while I was sitting with my son and we were shooting the breeze about life while he was having his truck worked on. I had this idea come into my consciousness to speak to the manager of this automotive business about something. And quicker than you can say applejacks, I was meeting with the manager of this dealership to pitch the thought that I “received” moments before. It was the easiest, most aligned thing ever! It felt aligned in my mind, body, and spirit and was supportive of the greatest good.
Have you had this experience? The moment you surrender the outcome or answer you seek, it floats right into your consciousness!!!
It’s brilliant and so aligned. I have to laugh at how hard humans try to force solutions or answers. It seems we tend to push against the very things we desire, without being aware of what we’re doing!
Another way to describe this scenario is coherence. When all things come together for a unified focus. It’s like a bunch of radio waves on different frequencies that suddenly merge and all become ONE and are attuned to ONE channel. HeartMath has been studying the power of coherence for eons.
My analogy of coherence is when it feels like I am firing on all cylinders and everything is just so EASY!
The thing is, you can’t FEEL and THINK at the same time. Jill Bolte Taylor discovered this in her research. She is an amazing neuroscientist who witnessed herself having a stroke. She recounts her transformative experience in her Ted Talk, My Stroke of Insight.
Have you ever had the experience where you heard something in a way that literally lit up every cell in your being? Or it was as if something had actually “landed” in your DNA? Or you had an experience that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck and you had this full body KNOWING that this was right for you? This is what RECEIVING, COHERENCE AND RESONANCE is All about!
And when we live from the heart this is a regular occurrence.
If you desire coherence, it requires practicing good feeling emotions on the regular. These good feeling emotions release feel good chemicals in the body. It is from this state that the heart can inform the mind. It’s the reverse of what we attempt to do daily, attempting to inform the heart with the mind and it’s impossible.
So, what kinds of thoughts are showing up for you lately?
I would love to hear from you.
Stay curious,
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