Card Deck Reading To Support Better Boundaries + Easier Manifestations

boundaries journal for women law of attraction manifestation oracle reading Feb 07, 2023

Humans who have strong boundaries are better manifestors. Period. 

I have not always had strong boundaries, it is something that I have had to practice, practice, practice. 

Boundaries are just like a muscle, you must engage that muscle in order to develop, strengthen, and flex it for it to work!

It's not easy at first, and just like anything that you practice with time and patience it gets easier and easier. 

Before you know it, your doormat tendencies have completely vanished and not only do you respect yourself more, so does everyone who comes into your experience. 

Gone are the days filled with drama and things not going the way you had planned. 

Rather you are at ease and easily attract what you desire because you are crystal clear with your energy aka boundaries and you allow the Universe and All That Is to do the heavy lifting.

You have resigned your addiction to the struggle bus for good! 

You love how easy it is to allow the flow of the Universe to support you and have your back 24-7. 

Three Signs You Have Poor Boundaries:

  • You constantly apologize.
  • You constantly explain/defend yourself. 
  • You say yes when you mean no. 

I created today's video for YOU!

Be sure to like and SUBSCRIBE to my channel so you get notified when I post a new video. 

Card Reading For Better Boundaries 

Click on the video above to receive the full truth about how freaking amazing you ARE and simple ways to leverage your divinity in all ways, especially as it relates to boundaries. 

Let me know what landed for you in this video? 

What are you walking away knowing that you didn't know before you watched this video?

How will you afford yourself the opportunity to lean into the teachings from this video to support your life?

To deepen your relationship with your higher self, check out the Divine AF Daily Affirmations and Manifestation Journal For Women available on AMAZON. 

To support your connection with your version of spiritual truths, check out the Divine AF Oracle Deck, available on my WEBSITE

To Your Divine Abundance Always and In All Ways


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