How To Infuse Your Soul's Voice With Quantum Magnetism
Apr 29, 2022
The truth about your soul is that it’s your true north.
Your soul will never get in the weeds with you about your worth nor defend your limitations.
When you speak 🗣️ from the soul, you speak the truth with ease, flow, and humility.
Your soul is who you are, in complete perfection and oneness with all that is.
When you establish a relationship with your soul you come to know and believe that your soul knows it is one with God, Source, the Universe, & your Higher Self.
You also come to know that everything you'll ever need is housed within you, in your Soul.
It is you. It is already in you.
There is nothing for you to go get or achieve to receive or access this eternal wisdom. ✨
This is what a partnership with the infinite is.
Your soul doesn't believe in separation and its primary focus is to GIVE.
When you are aligned with this divine eternal wisdom you become an open channel, grounded to the Earth and connected to the heavens for life and love to flow through you.
This way of being represents the perfect harmony and resonance that you ARE. It opens the door to know heaven on Earth.
Your ego on the other hand thrives on getting and fears death above all else.
Your ego will attempt every opportunity it has to convince you that you are not one with God and all that is.
The voice of your ego gets the loudest when you attempt to dismantle it's grip of self limiting beliefs so that you can fully embody your soul's eternal wisdom and calling ✨
In order to transcend the pernicious ways of the ego you must become conscious of your thoughts and learn to choose words that reflect what you are and paint the picture of where you are going.
Your soul has this vibe or mantra of having an open heart and an open mind. Being open to all things and having attachments to no things.
Your soul lacks for nothing. This expansive way of being is your birthright.
So how do you get there, to this understanding and acceptance of your magnificent soul? How do you put this badass wisdom to practice?
You cut your soul’s teeth by becoming conscious of your soul script. The words you use to describe and communicate yourself and your soul to the world.
We live in a vibrational Universe. All vibration carries a signal or frequency attracting similar frequencies to it..
Your words, thoughts and emotions are also vibrational. 〽️
What you feel and say matters a great deal. 🗣️💙
Not only what you say out loud, but especially what you say when you're alone to yourself about yourself.
Your very words and thoughts (conscious & unconscious) are carrying out the Law of Attraction 24-7.
The only time you are not attracting is during sleep when the Law of Attraction is suspended.
This is the exact reason it's a fabulous practice to consciously choose your words and thoughts very carefully before bed and immediately after waking up.
Both meditation and journaling can support this soul expansion work beautifully.
You are essentially programming your being (energy) for what you will attract.
Let's see if your words are blocking your soul's expansion with the ARE method.
Awareness- Awareness is always the 1st step to any behavior change. Take an inventory of the words you say to others and to yourself. Chances are your negative script is on autopilot. There are a few phrases you say without batting an eye that are very negative in nature.
For example:
Nothing ever works out for me.
I'll never have the right body.
I'll never find my soul mate.
I'll always be sick.
I am broke.
We all have these subconscious tapes or programs that run in the background of our minds.
Are those the signal you want to send out that are attracting similar frequencies 〽️to you? I didn't think so!
You will have to consciously change your words to the frequency of where you're headed.
One of my favorite manifestation teachers, Florence Scovel Shinn nailed it……."Your word is your wand." 🪄🪄🪄
Are you feeling excited to wield this magnetic power?
Reframe- Now that you have become aware of your not so helpful words, you can begin to reframe negative words or phrases with more positive ones. For example:
Nothing ever works out for me.
The Universe is rearranging things for me now.
I'll never have the right body.
I am open to seeing my body through the eyes of love.
I'll never find my soul mate.
I open myself to the opportunity of joy in unexpected places.
I'll always be sick.
I am open to attune to the frequency of health now.
I am broke.
I am grateful for the opportunity for money to circulate into my life with ease and flow.
This may feel awkward at first because your ego will poo 💩 poo this process. That's ok. Do it anyway and with time and practice your thoughts and vibration will start to shift and instead of the negative script playing by default, the new uplifting script of your soul is! How divine.
Another powerful lesson from my favorite teacher, Florence Scovel Shinn "You receive what you prepare for."
What you seek, you shall find.
Your mind is looking for the things you suggest!
Your subconscious mind takes what you say as truth. It doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality. 🤯🥳Read that again! That is one reason reframing and using affirmations are so helpful in transforming your life.
Evidence- What you look for you will find. When you change the way you look at things, things change. Your life is built on your perception (how you see 👁️things) .
Your belief about the world dictates how it plays out.
Do you believe in a benevolent Universe? If you hold this belief, that is what your experience will be.
If you believe in a non benevolent Universe, that is what your experience will be.
Are you the victim or the victor?
Have fun with this exercise. Just for kicks, make a game out of this.
For seven days assume that the Universe has your back and every single thing is working out in your favor. Begin your day with, "Of course this day is fantastic because everything is working out in my favor with ease, grace, and fun."
End your day with the exact same phrase and repeat it when you wake up. Track your progress and what you notice when you meet everything in life through the lens of a supportive and benevolent Universe.
Which part of the A.R.E. method is hardest for you? I would love to offer you some support on shifting that!
Practicing and embodying these truths will absolutely infuse your soul script with quantum magnetism. May you enjoy the ride!
In Divine Love 💙
P.S. To take this method to the next level, play around with removing these very low frequency words from your vernacular:
I can't
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