The Truth About Manifestation, Divine Timing, Detours, Soul Nudges & Synchronicities

May 05, 2022

The Truth About Manifestation, Divine Timing, Detours, Soul Nudges & Synchronicities

This post was inspired by a beautiful LinkedIN post about manifestation that involved a Christmas Flamingo 🦩!

What I have learned on this spiritual journey of life and working with clients on the path to a deeper understanding and embodiment of their soul's journey is that if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong. Perhaps the Divine Downloads I have received about: Manifestation, Divine Timing, Detours, Soul Nudges & Synchronicities will support yours and inject some wonder and delight to boot!

MANIFESTATION means to make evident. To manifest requires 3 things:

Intention- being clear on the thing your soul desires-(what does it look, feel, smell, & taste like?)

Attention- placing your energy and focus towards your intention through inspired and aligned actions, thoughts, words, and feelings.

Surrender- harnessing your attention on your desire as you release your attachment to how it shows up. (Miracles never come in the form you expect!) πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰πŸ€©πŸ€”πŸš€

DIVINE TIMING ✨ -The thing about time and your soul is that it only keeps one kind of time. Divine Time. ⌚That's code for: your soul will only show you things your soul is ready to receive or release and always at the exact eight time for your soul's expansion. This means you are EXACTLY where you are designed to be and you will NEVER be ahead or behind on your journey πŸš€! #boom πŸ”₯#whew #dropthemic

DETOURS- your soul's way of pressing pause so that you can receive the Intel, Wisdom, and Space required to line you up with what is better aligned with your purpose right around the bend. This means when things don't go "as planned" there is always a bigger purpose! #moreplease

SOUL NUDGES- the small still voice that tells you to turn left here, call that person, buy that book, schedule that conference, meditate, or take a walk at that specific park that will fulfill required assignments for your soul's path and will fill you with the glee of a kid in a candy store!! #intuition

SYNCHRONICITIES-the endless flow of glee, expansion, abundance, and enlightenment that show up in spades when you are living true to your soul's desires and allowing the Universe to support your expansion. πŸ™ŒπŸ’«πŸŽ‰#winning

Life will continue to offer you a buffet of resistance and contrast on your journey. πŸš€

The beauty lies in the truth that your journey is never done or complete and you can NEVER get it wrong 😊

So the question becomes, how much fun would you prefer along the ride? Your choice!!!

My next post will reveal the synchronicities that showed up on my path as I allowed myself to trust in the support of the endless supply of the Universe.

What step of the manifesting process is easiest for you?

What aspect of your soul is dying to be expressed?

What baby step can you take towards that today?


In Divine Love πŸ’™



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