Divine AF Manifestation Meditation + Card Reading

card reading creativity journal prompts manifestation meditation mental health mindfulness relaxation stress relief wellness yoga nidra Mar 03, 2023
Lisbeth Overton - Manifestation Coach
Divine AF Manifestation Meditation + Card Reading

Anytime you push against something you invite it into your experience.

Anytime you are forcing something it tends to backfire.

Solutions do not present themselves when you are overextended, stressed, or tapped out.

Solutions flow to you  when you allow yourself the opportunity  to step back, take a deep breath and connect with the energy of peace and possibility.

A wonderful way to tap into the energy of ease and possibility is with a little breath work, the use of your imagination, and reflecting on questions that invite you to open yourself up to different avenues that feel more expansive. 

Use this simple meditation to support you in working through a decision that has you feeling stuck.

Be sure to grab a journal and pen to capture any ideas that flow to you during your experience. 

If you enjoyed this meditation, you may be interested in checking out the Yoga Nidra meditations I have hosted on the meditation app, Insight Timer.

One Yoga Nidra session is the equivalent of 3 hours of REM sleep. It is wonderful for your mind, body, and spirit and provides a reset of your nervous system. Check out my profile HERE.

If you enjoyed the cards used in this meditation, you can explore the Divine AF Card Deck HERE

Wherever this finds you, know that you are always supported by this or something grander than you could IMAGINE. 


Meditation Guide: Lisbeth Overton

Music: Chris Collins-indiemusicbox.com




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